Sunday, April 19, 2015

"Crown me" by Deztini Farinas

She has a style that I dig damn she really just got another supporter I"ll Say Vote Her ON Dat Team A Win

Situation ! Fo sure!

this girl kill it Rap life

She is very real! I like it she couldn't of did better on you tube. I bet she will  be a good singer in a concert if I had my Licence I would diffiently put her on! I bet she gots it!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


This beat sounds like a good movie suspense scene in a fright night theme movie. It will be that who enters who consumes up fear of the unknown. Just another night mare stocking eyes glare.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Snow Tha Product - Cookie Cutter Bitches (Official Video)

Put It Down Like Snow What UP Wid It Dig Dat MoUth Shark GRiLL FlaVor WiD LA StyLe
DuCes WoKe PuT IT UP foR DiS GoLdeN StatE U GoT DaT MoNsTA WaY
DuCes TO DeM GoLdeN KickS RoUnd UM Up In Da Land Of DA EarTh QuaKEs
HEavYNesS On MY FeeT BeaSt On Da WaY Gas SiN No  BreaKs MY WaY On One No HandcuFFS BLaSTeD TuFF EasTsIDe BaY 101 LOSt In DA MatRix CooKiE CutteR ChickS KeeP HateN CaLi GriZZLeS LEavIn HIS jAW DroppEd JrulIN L i K e A HOwL in Da Night Tip

        HiGh Two
   Snow BAy LoVe
NV GoldeN StatE ChIck